Horse Health Declarations
Paddock Temperature Chart: Here is another form that may come in handy. If you laminate it and put it in a clipboard, you can use a permanent marker to record the temperatures. Once you have transcribed the readings to the HHD that is safely inside out of the rain, mud and dirt, you can wipe it down with metho. It can be used for either vaccinated or unvaccinated horses. Whether you are doing a 3 day log or 10 day log you start recording temperatures on the same day of the week - just a week earlier for the 10 day log.
Cattle Ticks
The cattle tick is an external parasite, mainly of cattle, and is regarded as a significant economic pest of the Queensland cattle industry. Cattle ticks are notifiable when they occur outside the Queensland cattle tick infested zone and must be reported to Biosecurity Queensland.
Under Queensland legislation, if you suspect the presence of cattle ticks outside the cattle infested tick zone, you must report it to Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23 or contact the Emergency Disease Watch Hotline on 1800 675 888.
Horses are classed as low-risk livestock, but must still be tick free if entering the tick free zone. Please use the below template provided by the Queensland Government if you are crossing tick lines. You need to detail your tick risk minimisation strategy on the form.
Please see the Biosecurity Queensland website for detailed information