QERA State Championships
Anne Jones Award (State Champion)
Supplied by the Toft and Collyer families. In recognition and memory of Anne Jones’s remarkable contributions to endurance riding. Anne began endurance in the early 1980s, over the years she completed almost 200 endurance rides, amassing 24000+km endurance miles in Australia. During this time Anne worked tirelessly behind the scenes, organising rides and contributing many years to the QERA SMC.
Awarded to the winner of the QERA State Championships (First across the line in the MWT or HWT division)

2022 State Champion - Virginia Barber riding La Belle Amour
Previous Winners
2013 - Ken Moir riding Cameo Helmzman
2014 – Natasha Willemse riding Hillbrae Alec
2015 – Dan Winkel riding Shardell Azeem and Ken Moir riding Shian
2016 - Kaylea Maher riding Captains Creek Corporal
2017 – Matthew Gadsby riding Maximus Ra
2018 – Matthew Gadsby riding Maximus Ra
2019 - Matthew Gadsby riding Maximus Ra
2020 - Scarlet McQueen riding Stirling's Genevieve
- Matthew Sample riding Anglesea Finneas
2021 - Mindy Gadsby riding Reid River R-Mani
Photo Credit - Sarah Sullivan Photography
The Carmen Batterham Memorial Trophy
Provided by Warwick Endurance Club in commemoration of their past member, Carmen Batterham. Carmen and her grey gelding Country completed over 3,500km together in the late 1970s and early 1980s, with 3 Quilty buckles all in the Top Ten placing and winning the 1981 Stockmans Hall of Fame 250km ride.
Awarded to the first woman across the line in MWT or HWT division
First woman across the line in MWT or HWT division
2010 – Camille Champagne Bargenquast riding Sasam
2011 – Sasha Savage riding Bint Shah Dara
2012 – Cora Becker riding Bones the Wizard
2013 – Simone Krahnen riding Ardai
2014 – Natasha Willemse riding Hillbrae Alec
2015 - Eve Jorgensen riding Nazeem
2016 - Kayle Maher riding Captains Creek Corporal
2017 – Gayle Holmes riding Cairo
2018 – Keiran Rowley riding Rhythm Dancer
2019 – Kelsey Irvine riding Karma
2020 - Scarlet McQueen riding Stirling's Genevieve
2021 - Mindy Gadsby riding Reid River R-Mani
2022 - Virginia Barber riding La Bell Amour
The Timms Teams Trophy
The Bruce Overton Memorial Trophy
Supplied by Overton family. Bruce was long time member of QERA and had a great love for his purebred grey geldings.
Awarded to the first purebred grey gelding to successfully complete
The Alwyn Torenbeek Memorial Trophy
Donated by Barry and Shirley Akers and the Torenbeek family. To remember Alwyn and the spirit he brought to our sport. Alwyn was one of the first competitors in Australian endurance, starting out at the 1968 Quilty. He didn’t see age as a limit and encouraged all ages to enjoy endurance riding. Alwyn rode a horse almost every day of his life, his last endurance ride was the 50th anniversary of the Tom Quilty. He passed away a few months later at 78 years old.
Awarded to the oldest rider to successfully complete